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Al-Tazkiya 2023 - Day 2


Day 2 of Al-Tazkiya 2023 began with fun sporting activities to get the sisters energised for the jam-packed day ahead of them. Sisters took part in a blitz session where they could partake in multiple activities such as Archery, Fencing, Abseiling, Zip Wire, or a Challenge Course. Despite a chilly day, the sun was out and sisters thoroughly enjoyed taking part and trying out new activities (even if it meant facing their fears!).

The day delegates started to arrive around 11am along with the host for the day, Sister Ifra Kauser. She commenced session 2 and welcomed all the participants back.

The session began with a beautiful recitation of the Holy Quran by Sister Rabeeah Rafiq in her melodious voice. Sister Ummayah Qadir created a spiritual atmosphere by reading a Nasheed in her soulful voice. Sister Ifra then introduced Dr Ghazala Qadri to present her second lecture; Respect and Reverence for the Holy Prophet (SAW). Dr Ghazala Qadri spoke about 4 conditions mentioned in Surah Al-A’raf pertaining to our relationship with the Holy Prophet (SAW). The focus of this talk was on the second condition of venerating and revering the Holy Prophet (SAW).

Various Surahs of the Quran were mentioned and explained regarding how Allah SWT sets a protocol of reverence and respect for the Holy Prophet (SAW) ensuring that it is clear for us to understand that the Prophet’s (SAW) status is like none other and if we revere him and respect him without limits, then we will attain Taqwa (God-consciousness), and the light of Taqwa will fill our hearts.

The session was followed by lunch, before the sisters headed to their first workshop of the retreat.

The workshops were delivered by special guest Sister Nour Cauveren, a High Performance Life Coach. Sister Nour provided an insightful workshop on understanding the build-up of anger and resentment and how it can weaken our Iman, thereby diminishing a potentially strong relationship with Allah and His Beloved Prophet (SAW). She recalled a personal experience of a time she let rage cloud her judgement and distanced her from Islam. The sisters were asked to look back on their own experiences and if perhaps they too might be unintentionally separating themselves from Allah SWT.

After a short break, session 3 started with Sister Ifra introducing Sister Rumaisa Shaikh for a recitation of the Holy Quran, and Sister Chandni Hussian to recite a Nasheed. This was then followed by Dr Ghazala delivering her third lecture; The Respect, Reverence and Etiquette for the Companions of the Holy Prophet (SAW). In this talk Dr Ghazala further delved into the protocol implemented by Allah (SWT) regarding the special status of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

She shared stories and incidents from the lives of the companions of the Prophet (SAW) and how they behaved around the Prophet (SAW). Dr Ghazala explained that there were never any ifs and buts when it came to the respect and reverence of the Holy Prophet (SAW).

She discussed what we can learn from this unconditional type of love and how it can help us to understand the importance of revering the Holy Prophet (SAW) above anything and anyone else. The participants were encouraged to relate the incidents to our own personal lives, and ask ourselves whether we are implementing the same type of love & reverence for the Holy Prophet (SAW) that the companions had demonstrated to us.

Dr Ghazala concluded the third session with advice for the audience on refocusing our lives, reassessing who we are following, and what we are watching. She stated that at the end of the day; our life, our Iman and our belief depends on it. The key message was to make the Holy Prophet (SAW) the nucleus of your life.

Al-Tazkiya would not have been possible without our sponsor, Minhaj Welfare Foundation. Shaykh Adnan Sohail (Operations Director, MWF) and Brother Awais (Social Engagement Coordinator, MWF) delivered a presentation on encouraging the participating sisters to not just donate, but also volunteer. A huge thank you to MWF for their help and support!

Dr Ghazala Qadri set aside some of her precious time to provide a Q&A session to the young attendees (Under 25s) who may need guidance on any problems they are facing within their lives. Dr Ghazala answered various questions on various topics such as creating balance between being humble and being confident to speak out against something wrong; avoiding haram relationships; as well as how we can remain patient after making Dua. The young sisters were very grateful and pleased with the advice they were given by respected Dr Ghazala Qadri.

Whilst Dr Ghazala Qadri addressed the young attendees, the rest of the participants attended Sister Nour’s second workshop of the day. Sister Nour Cauveren delivered her workshop on how to cultivate gratitude and let go. She emphasised that in every situation there is gratitude and search for the gratitude, look for the Barakah and ask Allah Almighty for the Barakah. Sister Nour expressed to start with the small things. In every little thing there is a blessing but you have to be willing to find it.

The highlight of the retreat was an exclusive session with His Eminence Shaykh-ul-Islam Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri joining us all the way from Canada via live stream. Shaykh-ul-Islam highlighted how camps, such as Al-Tazkiya are a means of strengthening yourself spiritually. The process of Tazkiya opens up the doors to understand the truth that is hidden deeply within us. Shaykh-ul-Islam then addressed the participants by providing words of inspiration on the significance of connecting to the Holy Quran. It was emphasised that the Quran provides us guidance to the state of one’s heart and the Quran is the best form of Tazkiya that was provided to the Holy Prophet (SAW).

A gift of over half a million salawat was presented to Shaykh-ul-Islam and a cake was cut in honour of his 72nd Birthday. He concluded the session with a special Dua for all the participants.

The final and well anticipated segment of Day 2 was the spiritual gathering by returning Nasheed Group, Al-Hanana. Sisters Afifa Ahmad, Ayesha Ahmed, and Haneen Fatima performed various Nasheeds, leaving the sisters feeling spiritually enhanced and more connected to our Beloved (SAW).


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